The Present Tense

The Present Tense / Simple Present Tense

Dipakai untuk menyatakan perbuatan-perbuatan yang dilakukan sebagai kebiasaan (habitual actions) atau perbuatan yang diulang-ulang dengan tetap (repeated actions) atau untuk menyatakan kebenaran umum (general truth).

Bentuk kata kerja yang dipakain dalam Simple Present Tense adalah Infinitive (kata kerja yang belum mengalami perubahan bentuk). Hanya kalimat yang subjeknya adalah orang ketiga tunggal (he, she, it) atau kata nama diri yang berada dalam bentuk tunggal (misalnya: jack, Annie, MOnkey, Chicken); maka kata kerja yang berfungsi sebagai predikat akan mendapat tambahan akhiran s atau es.
contoh: catches, kisses, studies, does, goes, pays, says.

Kata kata keterangan waktu yang menyatakan kebiasaan antara lain:
always, every, often, usually, frequently, sometimes, ever, never, seldom, rarely, generally.

ditulis dengan rumus

I go to school everyday.
He usually eats an egg for breakfast.
Lidia goes to hospital every weekend.
The sun is rises every morning.
They eat rice for lunch.

Affirmative, Interrogative, and Negative Sentence.
(+) S + infinitive
(-) S+Aux + not + infinitive
(?) Aux + S + infinitive 
Auxiliary verb: Do digunakan untuk I, you, they, we ; Does digunakan untuk orang ketiga tunggal dan nama diri dalam bentuk tunggal he, she, it, Ernest, Lidia, Andrew.
(+)He rides his motorcycle fast.
(-) He doesn't ride his motorcycle fast.
(?) Does he ride his motorcycle fast?
(+)They do their job well.
(-) They don't do their job well.
(?) Do they do their job well?

Expressing Degrees of Certainty: Present Tense
Why isn't John in class?
100% sure : He is sick.
95% sure: He must be sick.
Less than 50% sure: He may be sick, He might be sick, He could be sick.
wether sam have eaten?
100% sure: Sam isn't hungry.
99% sure: Sam couldn't be hungry, Sam can't be hungry.
95% sure: Sam must not be hungry.
Less than 50% sure: Sam may not be hungry, Sam might not be hungry.

sumber: Complete english grammar and exercise : Dra. Grace Widjaja


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